====== Caramel Ice Cream ====== Tags: [[vegetarian]] - [[dessert]] - [[Gluten Free|GF]] - [[GF Vegetarian]] - [[GF dessert]] \\ Active Time: 45 minutes \\ Passive Time: 30 minutes \\ Serves: 8 \\ ====Description==== Very sweet ice cream with a strong caramel flavor ====Source==== [[https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/caramel-ice-cream-2|Bon Appetit]] ====Ingredients==== *Sugar: 1.25 cups + 2 tbsp \\ \\ *Heavy cream: 2 cups, room temperature \\ \\ *Vanilla extract: 1 tsp *Kosher salt: 1/2 tsp \\ \\ *Egg yolks: 7 large \\ \\ *Whole milk: 1.25 cups, chilled ====Instructions==== -Place a fine-mesh sieve over a medium bowl set in a large bowl filled 1/3 of the way with ice water and set aside -Sprinkle a thin even layer of sugar into large heavy saucepan. Cook undisturbed over medium heat until mostly melted, about 4 minutes -Sprinkle another layer of sugar over and cook, stirring around edges with a heatproof spatula to move melted sugar to center, until mostly melted, about another minute or so -Repeat until you've used 1.25 cups of sugar and it's mostly melted, about 6-8 minutes -Continue cooking, swirling saucepan until caramel is very flui and turned dark amber, about 5 minutes -Remove from heat and add heavy cream - caramel will seize, but that's ok. Return pan to low heat and stir until hardened caramel is dissolved -Stir in vanilla and salt; set aside -In a medium bowl, whisk egg yolks and 2 tbsp sugar until lightened and thick, about 1 minute. Whisking constantly, add 1/2 cup caramel gradually to egg yolk mixture. Whisk mixture back into saucepan and cook over medium-low heat, whisking constantly, until custard is thick enough to coat a spoon and just holds the marks of the whisk, about 5 minutes -Immediately pour through sieve into bowl. Stir constantly until cold, about 5 minutes. Whisk in milk. If not super cold, refrigerate for a half hour at this stage -Churn in ice cream maker according to directions. Freeze until firm - at least 4 hours \\ \\